Guitar Effects Pedal Builds
I built my first guitar pedal around 2014. It was a Klon Centaur knock-off from China, and it sort of worked but I couldn’t get it to distort, however it did make an excellent boost pedal*. I had more success with a couple more but it was one brilliant Tone Bender clone (a basic tagboard kit and how-to-guide purchased for a 20 quid on eBay) that brought home to me that it was possible to build almost exact replicas of some of the most iconic guitar effects pedals from the 60’s and 70’s and at a fraction of the cost of buying them second-hand. For my birthday my wife bought me a copy of US pedal designer Brian Wampler’s classic (and now stupidly expensive) paperback book ‘How To Modify Guitar Pedals’, following the guides I began tweaking a few of my own Boss pedals and on the way I got to understand a little more how these bad-boys actually work!
It was during the Covid lock-downs of 2020/21 that the obsession really took hold. Initially I bought a few complete complete kits, but then, because it was more interesting (okay and quite a bit cheaper!) I began to source all the components and enclosures
on-line, learning - the hard way - not to risk buying dud IC’s from dodgy eBay sellers!
For me a big part of this is designing and decorating the enclosures. I use inkjet printed waterslides, overhead projection acetates and adhesive vinyl.
So this gallery showcases a selection of the pedals that I've built and boxed, for myself and for others. I have worrying number of completed PCBs waiting to be suited and booted and I may get around to them one day but the boards are still fun to play via the pedal tester. The PCBs are mainly from four small, brilliant and generously helpful UK companies, I highly recommend them - 

Fuzzdog (FD, Jeds Peds (JP), Five Cats (FC) and DEADASTRONAUTFX (DA)
Components and enclosures were sourced from the above or from BitsBox, Gapco, and various other on-line sellers.
* I recently popped open the Chinese Klon and refreshed a few solder joints and the diodes now clip as they should
and it sounds great!
All enclosure designs are mine.
I'm not sponsored by any of the companies named.
Name: Faze Filter
Effect: Phaser/vibrato,
Based on: Deadastronautfx design
PCB Source: DA
Notes: Classic phaser to vibrato, with unique manual LFO OFF control of the phase to act as a set filter.

Click on an image below for the larger view
Name: Watermelon Sugar
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: Free the Tone String Slinger
PCB Source: JP
Notes: American-esque blues tones w/boost

Name: Cthulhu Fuzz
Effect: One knob fuzz
Based on: Dunwich Cthulhu Fuzz
PCB Source: FC
Notes: A high gain Silicon Fuzz

Name: REVV G4
Effect: Distortion
Based on: Revv Amplification G4
PCB Source: FC
Notes: Thick gain monster, tube amp tones.

Name: OakCrow
Effect: Tonebender/Hyper Fluff Fuzz
Based on: JHS Bun Runner.
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Rich creamy germanium fuzz, kick in the Hyper Fluff for laser focused tones.

Name: Squeezer
Effect: Compressor
Based on: Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Permanently on my board.
Name: Pig
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: Skreddy P19
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Gilmour-esque tones galore
Name: RAT
Effect: Distortion
Based on: Pro-Co Rat
PCB Source: JP
Notes: I've built 3 for myself and friends
Name: Tremshifter
Effect: Optical Tremolo & Filter
Based on: Deadastronaut design
PCB Source: DA
Notes: My favourite tremolo … ever!

Name: Stinky Cheese
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: Lovetone Big Cheese
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Variations of pure filth in a box
Name: Tubebender
Effect: Distortion / Fuzz
Based on: Dinosaural Tbe Bender
PCB Source: FD
Notes: I'm contractually obliged to make one
Name: Vesuvius
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: EQD Erupter
PCB Source: FC
Notes: One knob loud fuzzy goodness
Name: King Tut
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: Pharaoh
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Graphics based my fav pinball table

Name: Lemon Drop
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: Lumpy's Lemon Drop / ZII
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Vox 4 and 7 series amp emulation, think Beatles' Revolver and Led Zeppelin II.
Name: Echo Blue
Effect: Analog Delay
Based on: Deep Blue Delay
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Warm vintage tape echo + screaming oscillation
Name: Lord of This World
Effect: Distortion / Fuzz
Based on: Sabbra Cadabra by CatalinBread
PCB Source: FC
Notes: Demonic Sabbath tones
Name: Mix Tape Fuzz
Effect: Distortion / Fuzz
Based on: Demo Tape Fuzz
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Tascam tape deck fuzz

Name: Fuzzroom
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: Fallout Cloud
PCB Source: JP
Notes: A modern, improved version of the triangle era Big Muff
Name: Fuzzrite
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: Mosrite Fuzz Rite
PCB Source: FD
Notes: 60's skanky fuzzy goodness
Name: Morning Wood
Effect: Distortion / Fuzz
Based on: JHS Morning Glory
PCB Source: FD
Notes: A cheeky beefed up Blues Breaker with extra gain and more headroom
Name: Guv
Effect: Distortion
Based on: Marshall Guv'nor
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Stunningly good, my go to overdrive, cuts through the mix like a hot monkey knife.

Name: Phase 90
Effect: Phaser
Based on: MXR Phase 90
PCB Source: FD
Notes: A classic one knob smooth phaser
Name: Color Sound Fuzz
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: Coloursound One Knob Fuzz
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Legendary, rich creamy fuzz
Name: FoxxTave Dave
Effect: Octave Fuzz
Based on: Foxx Tone Machine
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Octave fuzz with fat / bright switch

Name: FoxxTone Fuzz
Effect: Octave Fuzz
Based on: Foxx Tone Machine
PCB Source: Music Circuits
Notes: Octave fuzz (love 'em!)

Name: Nobels Andy
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: Nobels ODR-1
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Improved Tubscreamer
Name: White Light
Effect: Distortion
Based on: EQD White Light DOD/OD250
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Aww it surely do moves me
Name: Super Klone
Effect: Overdrive / distortion
Based on: Klon Centaur
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Pure gold, 3 knobs and 3 toggles
Name: Gobbles
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: Paul Cochrane Timmy
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Stacks well

Name: Dirt Dealer
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: EQD Dirt Transmitter
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Biting, ripsaw fuzz
Name: Deep Vibes
Effect: Optical Uni-vibe
Based on: EQD The Depths
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Tweakable, rich optical vibe
Name: Crazy Horse
Effect: Overdrive / fuzz
Based on: Durham Crazy Horse
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Neil Young's live and loud tone?
Name: Big Marsh
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: EHX Op Amp Big Muff Pi
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Heavy, grungy, fuzzy, a bit like me!

Name: English Gent
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: Lovepedal Englishman
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Vox AC15/30 emulator doncha know
Name: Foggy Twin
Effect: Dual Distortion
Based on: EQD Gray Channel
PCB Source: JP
Notes: 4 clipping options, all the tones

Name: The Hive
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: Mad Professor Sweet Honey
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Bright with the sweetest sting

Name: 3 Band Rat
Effect: Overdrive / fuzz
Based on: Pro-Co Rat
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Everything you could want from a rat

Name: ODD Overdrive
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: DOD Distortion+OD250
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Had to be done, a legendary overdrive

Name: Clone Bender
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: Sola Sound Tone Bender MkIII
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Classic 60's creamy fuzz
Name: Dr Boogie
Effect: Distortion
Based on: Doc Boogie
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Emulates a Mesa Dual Rectifier head, I'll take their word for it.
Name: Rat 81
Effect: Overdrive/Distortion
Based on: 1981 Inventions DRV
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Moded Whiteface Rat, love rats

Name: Bittern Fuzz
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: Anasounds Bitoun Fuzz
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Fuzz Face into a Shin-ei Super Fuzz

Name: Gunshot
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: Thorpy Gunshot
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Tonal Pulp Fiction perfection
Name: Death Rat Mini
Effect: Octave Fuzz
Based on: Sunn O))) Life Pedal
PCB Source: FD
Notes: A nasty, cutting, filthy feckin' fuzz
Name: Not Clear ! Knot
Effect: Tape machine delay simulator
Based on: Clarinot
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Slight vibrato to totally bonkers

Name: Supa-J Fuzz
Effect: Overdrive
Based on: Fuzz / Distortion
PCB Source: FD/Reeves Electro
Notes: 1970 Jen Fuzz / Marshall Supa Fuzz
Name: Erase-Record-Play Tape Delay
Effect: 4 head delay
Based on: No specific marketed pedal
PCB Source: JP
Notes: A cool sounding analog delay. A complex build, a job to fit it all in the box. Nailed it!
Name: Bad Mofo
Effect: Bass distortion /fuzz
Based on: Ezekiel 25-17
PCB Source: FD
Notes: I've built two of these for bass players

Name: Granny's Fuzzy Box
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: FuzzHugger Doom Bloom fuzz
PCB Source: JP
Notes: "Oh my lordy levels of fuzz!"

Name: Granny's Fuzzy Box
Alternative fuzzier graphics
(finally went with this one!)

Name: Lunar Shot Tremolo
Effect: Optical Tremolo
Based on: Shoot the Moon Tremolo
PCB Source: FD
Notes: Trems? Love 'em!
Name: Ghoster
Effect: Sweepable-Mids EQ
Based on: JHS Haunting Mids
PCB Source: Music Circuits
Notes: Used as a versatile mids EQ

Name: Mammoth Fuzz
Effect: Fuzz
Based on: ZVEX Woolly Mammoth
PCB Source: Bitsbox
Notes: Ear-splitting creamy fuzz
Name: Magna Vibes
Effect: Magnatone Vibrato
Based on: Bigfoot Magnavibe
PCB Source: JP
Notes: Simply lovely vibey tones